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School of Science

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School of Science (SS), YSU, developed out of the School of Heavy Machinery of Harbin Institute of Technology in 1958, acquired its current name after the adjustment of disciplines in 2000. As the training base for high-level science talents, SS has established a post-doctoral research station in physics, and offers first-level discipline PhD programs in physics and the provincial key discipline of Condensed Matter Physics. SS also provides first-level discipline master’s degree programs for Physics, Mathematics, and Statistics, as well as a professional master’s degree program in Applied Statistics. SS has established a number of research institutes, such as the Hebei Key Laboratory of Microstructure Materials Physics, the Hebei Physics Experimental Teaching Demonstrative Center and the Hebei Science Popularization Demonstrative Base. The school comprises six departments, including the Department of Applied Physics, the Department of Physics, the Department of Information and Computational Science, the Department of Statistics, the Department of Public Physics, and the Department of Public Mathematics, among which Applied Physics and Information and Computational Science are national first-level undergraduate subjects, and Statistics is Hebei provincial first-level undergraduate subject.

SS has opened up a new prospect for scientific research, which focuses on the basic scientific research and takes the basic theoretical research of information, electronics, materials, statistical technology, management and related interdisciplinary subjects as new growth points. Based on its existing characteristic and excellent educational resources, the school strives to reach the international advanced level in many subjects. By implementing the “Teacher Education Revitalization Plan (2018-2022)”, the school has focused on developing a group of young experts and academic leaders, and strived to become a base to undertake major national basic researches. Standing at a new starting point, SS will be centered around the university-running strategy and development goals put forward by the Fourth Congress of Party representatives, unify the thoughts, seize the opportunities, seek the truth, be pragmatic, and work hard, so as to contribute its own strength to help YSU become one of the "double first-class" universities as early as possible and become a domestic first-class and world-renowned research university with distinctive characteristics!

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