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Faculty and Staff

Source:   Author:   date:December 12,2022   Click:

The school has 174 faculty members, including 36 professors, 37 associate professors, 73 master supervisors and 18 doctoral supervisors. Among them, one professor was selected into the Hebei Hundred Talents Program and two professors into "Thirty, Three Hundred and Three Thousand” Talents Project in Hebei, one professor enjoyed the Special Allowance from Hebei Provincial Government, and one associate professor was listed in the Third Batch of Top Young Talents in Hebei Province.

In line with the development goal of first-class basic course teaching and basic scientific research, SS is committed to offering the quality educational programs in basic subjects and high-end research, in both of which it has made great progress. The faculty, led by provincial model teachers, are devoted to the teaching research and textbook development, and have won, as a consequence of their teaching and research activities, a number of provincial and ministerial teaching achievements and awards.

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