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Department of Physics, SS, Conducts Collective Lesson Preparation for College Physics

Source:   Author:   date:November 25,2022   Click:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of curriculum reform, promote curriculum construction and improve the teaching level of faculty in the department, all faculty members of Department of Physics, School of Science (SS), conducted collective lesson preparation for College Physics through Tencent Meeting at 3:00 pm on Thursday, November 24, 2022.

We have chosen the College Physics II from Tsinghua University, which was taught by An Yu, Chen Xinyi and Zhang Liuwan from Tsinghua University. This course is comprised of three sessions including the electromagnetism, optics and quantum physics, of which electromagnetism will be delivered in this semester. By watching the video of physics lecture in Tsinghua University, we have a deeper understanding of the teaching content, and learned the teaching methods of famous teachers so as to learn from their strong points to improve our own teaching level and promote the overall improvement of teaching quality. Through this collective lesson preparation, we learned the field strength and Gauss theorem of electrostatic field in electromagnetism, and were very inspired. After the course, the faculty members expressed their views on the course and summarized the problems encountered in the teaching process in this semester. They reflected on their teaching behavior to improve the teaching methods, and put forward the contents requiring adjustment. As the faculty have their own teaching characteristics, learning from and communicating with each other is the best way for them to make rapid progress.

Department of Physics delivers the compulsory course of college physics in the whole university, which plays a very important role in cultivating the scientific research thinking and speculative ability of students. By preparing lessons collectively, we are committed to strengthening the construction of faculty, improving the quality and teaching level of faculty, especially young members, learning the lecture advantages of each other, drawing on the wisdom of the masses, and learning from others for our own use. In the future, we should continue to forge ahead with innovation, and carry on this activity, and gradually learn to reflect in learning, constantly improve the teaching methods, promote our own professional growth, and enhance the overall teaching level of all faculty in the Department of Physics.

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